Day 3
Bula vinaka (warm hello)
The Best way to describe today is Amazing! We serve such an awesome God!
This morning we were awoke by the sound of the mosque announcing morning pray time at 5:30 am. The mosque blasts the noise of a Muslims "singing" across the dark, silent valley of Labasa, Vanua Levu Fiji ( the second Largest Island in Fiji.) It was hot in a short amount of time. As soon as the sun came up the the cool dew that had settled during the night was quickly gone and the smell of people cooking quickly filled the air. The people wake up early here and cook there bread and food (that they will eat in the day) in the morning and it always smells So good. We washed in the cool water and then did our bible time before the day got going. After that we called Brother Joe. The national paster that is organized the Bible distribution on this Island. and got ready for him to pick us up. he said that he would be there at 9 o'clock and at 10 we decided to call him. And he said that he would be there at 11 so we walked into town and he finally picked us up at 12:15. We were told that here in Fiji they run on what they call "Fiji time" that means that when you say " meet at 5 then they will show up at 5:30". When I hear
that I said "Hey I will really fit in here!!!"( for you that now me. (; )
After we finally got picked up then we went out to organize the ferry ride back to the main Island on Friday. and then we were off to hand out Bible's to the Secondary school in Seaqaqa. It was a larger secondary school of Labasa and from the surrounding rural district of Seaqaqa (See-a-guagua). There were 553 students there plus teachers and staff. So a little more then 600 soul's reached out and took a bible.
It was truly amazing. The people are so hungry for the word and they are over whelmed when we give them there own Bible. They smile and laugh they get so happy. This Island has no Bible, truth preaching church for the people to go to. there at 7th day Adventist, Methodist, J.W., Catholics, Buddhist, Muslims, Hindu and all the other one that you can imagine. But not a single Bible baptist church on the Island.
th people here are so hungry for the Truth we have went out witnessing and handing out tracks in the towns and everyone and I really mean everyone that we talk to will stop and listen to the gospel message and really take it to heart. You can tell that they are not just doing it to be polite but because they want to know the truth.
The fields of Fiji are White already to harvest and the laborer are very few. Pray for all the seed that has been sown will be reaped for the lord and that Satan will not devouter the seed here.
In Christ, John Elwood ( Josiah and Matthew)