Sunday, July 7, 2013

Amazing Day!

We had an incredible day passing out Bibles in three different schools today!
John and I were both given opportunities to speak to the students.
It was amazing being able to share the gospel to a crowd of listening students!
I can't think of anything that has ever been this thrilling.
God is truly amazing to have given us this wide open door here in Fiji!
I have been joking about different ways to lose our passports so we can stay here.
Thank you so much for your prayers and for investing in the future of Fiji.

John Speaking
Passing out Bibles
Passing out Bibles
Unwrapping Bibles
Smiling and holding up their Bible
Lots of Students
Students as they listen.
Reading their Bible

Day 6 in Fiji

Monday, Day 6 in Fiji!:)
So we had a very exciting evening after arriving home from church! Apparently the prankster side of me has stayed quiet a little too long, and it decided to appear last night! So we spent last evening busily filling Oreo cookies with toothpaste to feed to Dalton and searching for geckos to put in Filo's suitcase as she was leaving for Bible School this morning! Unfortunately in our quest for a gecko, I came across the first cockroach we have seen since arriving here! Now I love geckos but I despise long story short the screams that erupted from me left the girls in stitches of laughter and allowed them to hear me scream louder then anyone has ever heard me scream in my life! 
This morning Pastor Grey picked us up at 8am and we drove to the church where we loaded up over 2000 bibles! Then we headed out to the first school! There was great liberty at that school and both Bro. Brooks and Pastor Grey were able to spend a good amount of time explaining the gospel! We girls had learned the chorus of "Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful" in Fijian, so when we sang this morning    We sang in Fijian and the kids totally loved it! They seemed to open up more to us because of it and it definitely  pleased them that we took the time to learn their language! This school is also the one where much of the video that Bro. Brooks made for the project was filmed.
The second school we went to this morning was the largest we have been to yet! Well over 1000 students! As you can tell from the pictures we were all packed into a large auditorium and talk about sweltering! It was soooo hot in there! But the kids all sat attentively in the heat and once again listened as the gospel was presented! Please, please pray that these students would read the Bibles and take to head what they have heard! At many of the schools we often have teachers coming up and asking for extra Bibles for their family members! Praise The Lord!
On our way to the third school we got to see the Presidential Palace and the changing of the guard! We also saw Thurston gardens and Rebekah was able to get her picture taken in front of it, which was a desire of her heart!:)
The 3rd school was the largest yet! We actually did it in 2 time periods. The first period we did around 400 students and it was probably the worst one yet as far as a good reception! Everyone was talking so speaking to them was a little difficult! The second period there though was to over 1000 students and it was very well received!
Today we had Pastor Sutton, his wife, his niece, and 2 ladies from Florida with us. They were only here for today as well as preaching at the church last night. The Culleys are also with us right now for the rest of the week. Then a number of people from the Greys church and another national Pastor and some of his men from a church near here came and helped as well. We will be doing the schools in his area on the 16th. So we had lots of help today which was a huge blessing as we were doing some of the largest schools!
I think our biggest prayer need this week is that God would open the hearts of the children and teachers of each school we go to and that no school would back out of allowing us to come! Please also pray for both Pastor Brooks and Pastor Grey as they speak at every school! Many schools do not have PA systems or if they do they aren't always the greatest, so it is very wearing on their voices! Please also pray for both Pastor Brook's wife and mother-in-law as both are in the States dealing with health issues at this time. 
Thanks once again for all your prayers and for allowing us to be here!

Sunday Day 5 in Fiji (girls)

Sunday, day 5 in Fiji
So after staying up till midnight eating scones and drinking tea with Filo, Paypay, Lawsolini and Rebekah, the rooster had no mercy and once again woke me at 4:30am! At breakfast Mrs. Towle informed us that Pastor Grey had texted and asked us to sing in church this morning! So the rest of the morning was spent preparing to sing "I just want to please The Lord" for church this morning! We also learnt how to sing a couple songs in Fijian last night so we are busy working on those and planning to sing in Fijian at the schools on Monday! Looking forward to surprising Pastor Brooks and Pastor Grey with our new language abilities!:) 
Church this morning was great! The youth sang a special and I wish you could all hear them sing! They have amazing voices and harmony! Almost every school sings for us as well and we love it! The Lord helped us with our special as well, and from the sounds of it it's a good thing we came prepared with several specials as it appears we will be needing them! Pastor Grey is an awesome Pastor....almost as good as Pastor Carlson, and his style reminds me a lot of pastor's preaching which is great as it makes the church feel a lot like home! 
Afterward almost everyone stays for lunch...Fijian cooking is soooo yummy! Fijian culture does not allow them to eat with us or even let us help them in the kitchen so it is a bit of an awkward feeling at times! Thankfully at home I have finally convinced Filo to let me help do the dishes and they are slowly letting me get my foot in the door when it comes to helping with the cooking! It seriously feels like we are being waited on hand and foot here at times!
The service this evening is also at 6pm and another pastor who is from the States and passing through will be preaching.
Saturday and Sunday are definitely quieter days here for us, so we try to rest up and get prepared for the coming week.
This coming week is going to be a very busy week! We will be in 16 schools and so desperately ask for your prayers! Some of the schools we are going to this week are very large and some are not as excited about the Bibles coming as others are. We plead for your prayers! Only the prayer of God's people can open their hearts and provide us with the open door that is needed! The devil would love to mess with the  plans, but prayer can keep him from doing that!
Please also pray for safety, not only for us, but also for our guys as they return on Friday, and for at least 3 more people who are on their way here to help!