Sunday, July 21, 2013


We all arrived safely home! Our plane landed in Winnipeg at 1:40pm and many family members were there to meet us!:) We are all extremely exhausted, but thrilled to be home! We got to give a quick testimony in church this evening and also sang the Fijian national anthem and the song that we have been singing in all the schools. So blessed to have such an amazing church family and so thankful for all the money and prayers they have put into this trip! 
The bags are unpacked and I am now ready to crawl into bed and claim that I am officially home!
Thanks to all who have followed this blog and prayed for us on our journey!
God truly blessed us with the trip of a lifetime!:)

In Vancouver!

We arrived in Vancouver just after 11pm last night and made it to our hotel shortly after midnight! So it was a VERY short night! We were so grateful to get the hotel for our 10 hour layover though! The sleep and shower made it very worthwhile!:) We are now about to board our plane for the the final 2.5 hour leg of our trip! So excited to step off this plane and be home!
I know we've said it a bunch, but thanks again to all of you who have prayed for and supported us on this adventure! We never could have done it without you all and we can't wait to see everyone tonight!

Last Flight Home

We enjoyed a much needed sleep in Vancouver and our now waiting on the other side of security. After traveling for the last three days we now have only one more flight to go.