Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 8 in Fiji (girls)

Day 8 in Fiji!
So last night was a very exciting evening! Pastor Grey's  2 sons (Dalton and Calab) have been very well trained to be the perfect gentlemen....a fact I very much appreciate! They open doors for us, won't allow us to carry anything and also would not allow us to ride in the back of the open truck! Something which some of us very much wanted to do! So we appealed to the higher power, Pastor Brooks, who said we could!:) Wouldn't you know it! We choose the night when it looked like it was about to pour rain! However 3 of us brave, valiant souls and Drew jumped in the back and off we went! So much fun...for the first 3 minutes! Then it began to pour! Here in Fiji when it rains, you can take a full shower in it it rains so hard! So there we are in the back of the truck getting dumped on and Dalton and Caleb are getting the laugh of their lives at the fact that we are getting soaked! But we outsmarted them! We grabbed a tarp  and all burrowed underneath (as you'll see in the picture) all of us laughing so hard our stomaches hurt! Next time I think we'll check the sky before we climb in the back of the truck!:)
This morning we got to sleep in a bit as our school that was scheduled for this morning cancelled on us. Thankfully we were able to reschedule them later in the week! Oh! Another exciting fact last night....some of the Muslim schools have refused to allow us to come and give out Bibles. So while we were at MacDonalds Pastor Brooks ran into the very man, from the minister of education department, who had actually scheduled all the schools! When Pastor Brooks told him about the problems we were having with the Muslims, not only did this man say that they are not allowed to refuse us coming, but he also said that he would go and take care of the problem for us! What an answer to prayer! Please pray for this man that he would be able to get us back into these Muslim schools! This man also told Pastor Brooks that he is praying for us to have success! What a blessing!
This morning we also had another huge answer to prayer! Pastor Brooks stopped off at the police station to get directions to some of the schools. One of the big Fijian detectives said he would go with them! So in they walked with this detective to a Muslim school and the principal said "Sure we would love to have you!" What an answer to prayer! Please pray that they would not change their minds and we Would be able to get into the other Muslim schools as well.
Our first school of the day was again an Indian school. I mentioned a few days ago about how Bro. Brooks said we must roll with the punches and be fluid! Well this school demonstrates that fact very well! When we arrived we were told we would have to split up and go to each class individually (19in total), have time for a quick, and I mean quick presentation and then hand out the Bibles.  Then we were told that there would be three assemblies and we would no longer have to split up! Still not the best option as we had to shorten the presentation greatly, but Praise The Lord we were still able to get the plan of salvation in there and the students were very attentive!
We then stopped for Pizza, which is surprisingly better then Canadian pizza, and headed onto the next school. 
This second school was a Chinese school where one of the young men in Pastor Grey's church went to school! This young man, Junior, graduated in 2010 and is now going to Bible school about 4 hours away. He came back just for this school and what a difference it made! Some of the kids were fooling around while Pastor Brooks and Pastor Grey were speaking, but as soon as Junior got up and started giving his testimony they all fell silent! 
From there we went to our 3rd school, a Hindu school which had originally refused us coming! This school is built right around a Hindu temple where the "Fire Walking" actually takes place! We really did not know what to expect for a reaction, but were pleasantly surprised! This school listened very intently and were very receptive to the Bibles and messages preached. Pastor Grey in particular was able to give a very strong gospel message, so please pray that God would do a work on these students hearts.
We are now getting ready for church this evening and are looking forward to hearing Pastor Grey preach again and then another full day tomorrow!:)
I know I have said it a lot, but THANK YOU once again for all your prayers! It is so obvious that God's people are praying and it is amazing to see how God is answering those prayers!

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